Taken at: Florence, Italy
This metaphor has hit me atleast twice this week. Once from Miles McPherson and the following from Donald Miller; from his book "Through Painted Deserts":
God, if like light, travels at the speed of light, and because space and time are mingled with speed, the speed of light is the magic, exact number that allows a kind of escape from time. Scientists have played with atomic clocks, matched exactly, setting one in a plane to fly around the world, and another motionless, waiting for the return of its partner. When they reunite, the one that traveled rests milliseconds behind the one fixed. The fast you move, physicists have found, the less you experience time. And if you move at the speed of light, you will never age; you are outside of time; you are an eternal creature. But before you strap on your running shoes, you should know scientists warn us that with speed, matter increases in density, so an attempt at the speed of light will have you imploded by the time you hit Wichita, your atoms as dense as bowling balls... You and I, made from molecules, cannot travel at the speed of light and cannot escape time, at least not with a body. Consider the complexity of light in light of the Hebrew metaphor: we don't see light; we see what it touches. It is more or less invisible, made from nothing, just purposed and focused energy, infinite in its power. How fitting, then, for God to create and existence, then a metaphor, as if to say, here is something entirely unlike you, outside of time, infinite in its power and thurst: is something you can experience but cannot understand. Throughout the remainder of the Bible, then, God calls Himself light...Wow Donald... thanks...
As I roamed the neighborhood with my camera this weekend, the thought that God is Light as opposed to darkness hit me.
Light IS, darkness IS NOT.
Light is energy, can be measured, quantufied, analysed, seen, felt.
Darkness is simply the absence of Light.
Darkness has only one color and shape ---NOTHING and NONE.
Light has INFINITE realm of possibility for variety of COLORS and SHAPES.
Not my own thought, I read it somewhere during my seminary days
wow that is SO going in my xang or an away message or my profile
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-ryan chan
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