Taken at: Downtown LA Rescue Mission
Last weekend I travelled down to SoCal to attend UCSD's graduation and up to LA for CENT's mission trip.
I had so much fun working in the LA Rescue Mission's kitchen. It was hard to walk out of the Mission's building and into the streets where homeless people filled the sidewalks. Tents, sleeping bags, cardboard, whatever would keep them from harm were set up as they're shelter. I've served the homeless in downtown SD before but this was on another scale.
I've begun my search to get involved in something like that up here. If anyone knows where I can serve the homeless in the bay area, let me know...
your blog is so emo now. black background... moonlight... solitary lightbulbs...
remember, i am the emo volcano climber.
Dude, I miss Italy after seeing your pics and I reallllllyyy like your little profile pic. there. "its a mini danvin" lol =)
That's a really cool picture - I think there are a lot of places in SF (esp. the Tenderloin) where there's a really huge homeless population. A lot of churches do missions trips there.
- Kelly
How bout FOOD NOT BOMBS? if they don't have that you can start one up. its fantastic, get people to join, and meeting the hungry in a very personal level is kool-you get to hear wisdom never before!
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