Second day in Chicago...
Photos from the
Second Day

Man, I am lovin' this city.
Today, walked over to the Mag. Mile to grab some breakfast. After a quick bite to eat, I ran my butt down to the Chicago Architecture Foundation for a walking tour of the city's historic sky scrapers. There was soo much informaiton being passed around during that tour, I couldn't retain it all. If you guys take a look at the day's pictures, you can check out some of the awesome buildings that we saw. Not only did we study the outside of a building, but the tour guide also took us inside of some of them to see how each of the buildings had their own personality.
Afterwards, I continued my fine Chicago dining experience with a Chicago hot dog. I got a "red hot", Chicago style, from Gold Coast Dogs. Delicious and affordable :). Before heading off, I stopped by the "Wicked" ticket office to drop off my raffle ticket for that night's performance. If my name is chosen I would be able to purchase seats from the first two rows for $25. More on this later...
It was off to Wrigleyville, to see one of baseball's most hallowed places, Wrigley Field. It was a thing of wonder. Here nestled in quaint suburban neighborhoods was a baseball field from the 1910s. Now with the Cubs in the playoffs, everyone had Cubs fever.
I wandered around a bit more before I started heading south towards Lincoln Park. Along the way, I stopped by the one and only retail store. For those who know what this is may understand what a big deal it is.
Walking around the neighborhoods north of Lincoln Park, I absolutely fell in love with the quaintness of it all. It felt so cozy and warm.
I didn't realize Lincoln Park was so far away, but I eventually made it. Checked out the zoo... its hard to be impressed after living in SD for 5 years and visiting the zoo many times, but I guess Lincoln Park zoo is good especially for the price of FREE. Walked through Lincoln Park and into Old Town. It was nice, reminded me of an older downtown Saratoga. I stopped for a quick snack and had to get going so I can be present for the "Wicked" raffle drawing. I had everything planned out, I'd take the Brown line into downtown so I can make it just in time for the drawing at 5:30p. I get to the subway station... it was dark, there were wooden boards everywhere... closed....
What the... crap...
Okay, I thought quickly. Afterall, I only had 30 mins left to get into the loop. So, I start walking... into some shady neighborhoods... no stations... crap...
I had a decision to make. There were two possible stations, either one about 6 blocks away. I chose one and went with it. Thank God, I made eventually made it to the theater, but my back was soaked from sweat walking as fast as I could to that station.
The drawing happens... they had 20 tickets availalble and there were about 30 people there...
18 tickets are given away... this is my last chance... "Is Danavin Ruuanngggaa...", "Yes! I'm here!" I won! I sat in the second row for $25! It was amazing!
For the show... I thought... it was good... but not great. I wouldn't rank it in my top 3 list. The show and music itself was great but the story lacks something. It felt like the writer had to cram everything in so it would fit into a 3 hour show. I liked it though, but I think I'll have to see it again because I feel like I missed a lot of stuff.
So far, so good! Chicago has been a blast!