Friday, October 31, 2008

The day I ALMOST died.

No, I'm not being overdramatic. I had a near death experience today. Lets cut to the story...

Almost everyday, I walk to the Mountain View CalTrain station, and today was no exception. I took my usual route, through streets I know like the back of my hand. I came to the intersection of Shoreline and Wright. Not a particularly busy intersection but there is a good amount of traffic that passes by. After I push the "walk" button, I wait for my turn to traverse the street. The gentleman in front of me jays across the street and I'm thinking how dangerous he was being on a rainy day like today, a car may not be able to stop in time to avoid him.

The cross traffic light turns red and I'm prompted to "walk". Like a zombie I just instinctively walk across the street. I mean, it was 8 o'clock, I was still waking up :P. I make it half way across the intersection when I hear some screeching coming from my right. I look over and a car is speeding down the street in my direction. I immediately froze and took a quick step back. The car grazes me and keeps speeding down the street. My immediate reaction was anger. How can someone be so careless to speed through a red light, thank goodness there was no cross traffic, he and the other car would've been in BIG trouble. Then it hit me... I could've just died. If I was walking just a tad bit faster, I would've been a goner. At the speed he was going (40-50mph) there wouldn't have been a chance for me to avoid him and I would've been his hood ornament for sure. I began to shake as I continued to walk toward me destination. At that moment I was absolutely thankful that I had been spared and it definitely shook my world.

Every day, every breath, every moment we have is a gift and in a snap it can be taken away. Me being here at this exact moment and time isn't a mistake. I need to make these moments count. Needless to say, I'm eternally grateful for being alive. I'll be looking 1,000 times both ways now while I'm crossing the street.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

FoodFindr: Ready for consumption.

Sooo... as some of you may know... I've been working on an iPhone app. Well.. its time... I'm ready to release it to 100 users Ad-hoc style.

The app is called FoodFindr. Check it out here

If you're interested, follow the directions at the bottom of the page and hopefully you'll get to try the app out! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

What is Considered "Rich"?

I was browsing around one of my favorite sites... and came across this topic in their talk section:
How much money do you really need to be "rich"?

It made me think of a video I saw earlier in the week:

In the US, we take our blessings for granted. We forget that most of us are automatically "rich" compared to the majority of the world, just by living in this country. In a society where we strive to be "rich", we get lost in the hustle and bustle. Lost in the fight to come out on top. To have more, or at least more than your neighbor does.

So, what is considered "rich"? Is it a certain amount of money? Is it driving the shiniest new car? Is it a house up on the hill? Is it having clean drinking water? Is it the fact that you're alive?

Something to reflect on when you're feelin' poor.